Why use the Cloud
Cloud Services can provide users with a number of benefits. Many businesses both large and small use cloud computing today either directly (Google or Amazon) or indirectly (Twitter, etc...). Instead of traditional on site alternatives there are a number of reasons cloud computing is so widely used and growing amongst businesses today.
Reduction of Costs- unlike in-house hosting the price of deploying applications in the cloud can be less due to lower hardware costs due to more effective online resources as compared to physical deployment.
Businesses no longer to maintain a team of someones to do things that can be easily and cost effectively in the cloud, like managing e-mail servers or file servers, do back-ups, the business of maintaining the service or application is the responsibility of the cloud vendor. And the actual servers themselves, used for data storage and back-up can be reduced or eliminated by using the cloud vendors equipment. This lowers both CapEX and OpEx for the services.
Universal Access- Cloud computing allows remotely located employees to access applications and work via the Internet.
Potential to be more Greener and more economical- the average amount of energy needed to compute in the cloud is far less than average amount for an on-site deployment. Cloud computing allows different organizations to share physical resources securely leading to a more efficient use of the shared resource.
Flexibility- cloud computing allows users to have access to business data and applications easily and rapidly from just about anywhere, on just about any device they are using.
New businesses can allow a start up to grow their businesses very quickly and cost effectively. It's very easy and fast to sign up and deploy a cloud solution than to buy a physical server, get it up and running and install the needed software on it.
Offsite Backup

Optimized Hybrid Cloud
- Access to IC2NET's Load balancer as a service
- Utilizing cloud as an active fail over
- Running optimized workloads on either infrastructure
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Proactive Network Monitoring and Real Time Bandwidth Graphs

Client Dashboard
- Bandwidth Usage
- Latency
- Circuit Information
- Trouble Reporting
- Overages (if applicable)
To protect our customers, network flow statistics are processed against an Active Threat Intelligence ruleset alerting our NOC if there are connections to current know blacklisted ip addresses.